2013년 12월 1일 일요일

How to get client and server IP address in JSP page

GetIPAddress.jsp<h3> Server Side IP Address </h3><br>
< %@page import="java.net.InetAddress;" %>
< %String ip = "";
InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
ip = inetAddress.getHostAddress();
out.println("Server Host Name :: "+inetAddress.getHostName());%><br>
< %out.println("Server IP Address :: "+ip);%>

< h3> Client Side IP Address < /h3><br>
< %out.print( "Client IP Address :: " + request.getRemoteAddr() ); %><br>
< %out.print( "Client Name Host :: "+ request.getRemoteHost() );%><br>

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